![]() |
hi, i have posted this also in slovak/czech forum, but no reply...
i was wondering, when will you do next upload of the database and if we realy should send you info, since im waiting for 9 months to upload my dog, we absolved dogshows and I can not display her in show results. some breeders upload theire results but you do not upload it... you just write - breeder didnt send info... so, why send info prompt? what im wondering too is, that i didnt send you, that i want sell my dog, chasa, but she is in the list. please, i do not want her here in the "looking for home" section! also other dogs are there, that i know, they are not for sale anymore... |
All of this is the reason why we took consequences we don´t give any more informations to this site. You don´t know who gets them, you don´t know what it is used for, you have the risk that there are wrong ones that you can´t correct and I don´t believe all accusations made here with all consequences.
Ina |
that is true, but most of the people still look here for informations... maybe it should be more visible that this is a private server and not all informations are correct and actual. still, this is a place for people to search for pupps too.
for me is it not so important, but if I send the info, the admin should upload it and not wait soo long. there is no reason for sending infos anymore... i will not upload the infos too, because it makes no sence more. |
I can´t put any dogshow results because system asking all dogs names even all is full...
and Why do not you add Ikala spod Dumbiera DW free result and show results? DM results about my dogs... all is tested in LABOKLIN and Results are real whit papers. if you can give right info can be better to take DM results away and put link to list what Mijke have done. |
Database targeted updates !
I would want to know why some photos from my dogs have been changed in the wolfdog database... and that photo has been took in my house (private photos) ... where i haven't send anything...
Don't answer... is always the same problem here ... but please also change some data for this SAME DOGs ! This dog is propriety of my kennel from june now, and nothing change in this part ... This dog female is GLASYA z Peronowski ... same thing for the daughter of this wonderful female ... This female name is EXCALIBUR KHALI des Gardiens de la Cour ... and also to finish ... put change for CHUCK Running Wolf ... which one i am the owner also ... If you are so INTERESTED TO MAKE CHANGE IN THE DATABASE ... do it WELL ! |
I wonder why you don't update your own kennel website... :lol: I was trying to find some of the info you've mentioned on the English version of your site and saw several "under construction" notices ;-)
Go in french area ;-) MUCH MORE INTERESTING RONA if you need to know something !
I suppose you maybe could updated the database or in english, or in french, or in russian ... it is not my problem ... I post in the english part because i suppose administrator are not french ... ok ... so i make my part of work to inform ... RONA are you working in wolfdog database ??? ... or you are the one taking privated photos and forget to update database ... |
And do you find any informations about ALL THE DOGS you could find in the "owned dog" from my database kennel information ???? No ... because 50 % of the date are false ... like one litter totally false and created by ??? maybe the ghost of the database !!! RONA ... if you are something to do with administration, please answer something interesting ... |
But my comment had nothing to do with WD. I just wanted to find the missing info about your dogs at what seemed the best source and to my surprise found it most incomplete. Strange, isn't it? ;) Quote:
Belive me, I have much more interesting things to do! |
Oh yes ...
- you are not wd administrator, - you don't know nothing (because you don't search where there are the informations), - and finally you say nothing interesting about the subject ... ... Quote:
Really ??? I am not sure for that ... But if you think well, i trust you to find something REALLY important to do instead of looking for fight with me ... |
I oficially declare that since now I'm not interested in your dogs and don't want to learn anything about them now or in the future. I've also fixed my profile and will not I see your posts any more. Now, happy? :lol: |
Owners of wolfdogs should be ashamed of yourselves, we should stick together. Every time I come here for some information or just to check out new topics I am disappointed to see arguing... always arguing. Some important topics and debates, but usually the most stupid arguments I have ever seen :( really sad
It's not my fault that some people want to fight all the time, even without a reason.:? |
The problem i described is always the same, and many many many members complain about it. The database is full of mistake because some members are disappointed and don't give any more information ... so some people which can change database make errors, and sometimes invent information, or finally choose to steal any information (false or not), like photos ! The better way should be to have a good behaviour to all members, forget maybe that some administrators or moderators are friend of some breeders and enemy from others ... ... that could be a way to refind a database with real and true informations. If someone want any information about the dogs i talked about ... how it acts ? Does he call the old owner of the dog because he has got a false information in the database ? (it is only a small sample from the problem encountered) |
once again..(private messages and mails had no success) my female http://www.wolfdog.org/site/dbase/d/3529 is NOT dead.. fortunately she will celebrate her 12th birthday in two days ;-) |
Hello, Admin.
Why i can't add more than 10 photos to albums ? :roll: |
Wolfdog.org datas has been invented because it does not cooperate with any FCI organization. Their behavior is illegal only has the purpose to damage the successful breeders. Without any proof and no DNA tests, they decide who is a pure czechoslovakian wolfdog and who does not. |
or when are a web site and data basa who have others opinion not like yours this is bad? If not like make better data basa with corect results and corect pedigree without mongrels and others animals. You can do it :) I think dog is in heaven when cross a age line in data basa. Only program system faults ( this have all dogs who are older like 11 or 12 years automaticly) |
My opinion on the French dogs can be only one opinion of course, I cannot base myself on testing the DNA of these subjects, even if they seem not typical CZW.
Wolfodg should have informations on litters from the datas transmitted by the genealogical books of all countries and not have the role of referee. On the contrary wolfdog, which once was a truly exceptional site, filled with the correct data, has been transformed into a site which collect datas based on “felt to say” |
not in all case :) If not WD admin we not know about problem in some kennels.
and who is the most important for my- data basa with info about dogs from first generation and moore. I need this, others not interesing me :) can dog have a strange signs :) or be dead :) important in only basa :) with ( almost) corect info about dogs. |
i agree, so, who will be referee, and how, or will/should everyone just want to believe in intentional blindness?
sorry, error
hello Admin! this is your e-mail:
About your kennel - I didn't received information about your last litters. Please submit it and your kennel will be visible on the list again. This e-mail was from September! All my puppys from 2011 was in the data base in 2011 but I was not breeder!! I send all information from the litters from september 2012..cip..cor..owner...date of birth...the result??in the data base is just the name from the puppy and the owner name!All is incorect! And the puppys from Julie v.konigs-terry was by Jolie!!! I send you e-mails when you give me back in the list???and...nothing...from september!!!!:( |
hello Admin!why is my kennel (konigs-terry) not in the data base???
A general question...
On the database in the Health section it has DNA listed. What does this actually refer to? Is it that the DNA is stored, that a specific test has been carried out (and if so, what is the test) or what? Many thanks |
Just look above at the microsatellite-system, all the numbers and data is a dna finger print that is meant with dna done
the two numbers one is from the father and one from the mother. |
ah, thanks. We have something like this for the pups born last year. Maybe I just have to resend the data to have it show on the database?
Can I know why my dog "Godric de terres d'Eriador" is not more has I???
If you change data of dogs only on copy of papers, why have you changed owner my dog Godric without any proof?
Its papers are at my name and tidied up in my drawer thus nobody was not able to send them to you with an owner's bad name. |
It is quite frequently asked questions so again.
how many times should i ask to delete me from moderators?..
Dear admin, how dare you steal info from FB and post it here in the database?! I did not send you the result of my Akia for DM. I do not have anything to hide, she is N/DM. But I did not send YOU the info.
Second - from where do you have the info, that Chasa is in Wilcza saga kennel??? She is by me, in my kennel!!! from now on, I will realy twice think about sending you any info, while, I would send you the DM results myself, but I do not like, that you steal it withou asking!!! So what about the sh*t, that you will verify the informations? Im realy mad about wolfdog and now even more!!! I did send you everytime the info about my dogs, with prooves ect, but with this you made me realy mad and I think about not sending ANY info to you anymore!!! |
Wait, I think I do not understand. So you, who always criticized that the database is not updated now criticize that it is? That by your dog was added the correct result, which is officially and publicly posted on Facebook? It's quite strange behavior. I understand it's part of some kind of war between breeders? Unfortunately, I'm not interested in the details, or do not want to deal with it. Public data is PUBLIC. If you do not want to inform anyone about it do not write it on the page which is read by few million people. No one has to ask you for permission to publish it. As no one has to ask the 30-40 participants of the exhibition, if their results and evaluation of their dogs can be posted here (I already received an email - complaint that Wolfdog "steals" the show results what is ridiculous). No one has to ask for permission to complement the data in the pedigrees (there was a complaint of a Wolfdog owner that parents of his dog were entered (by the way - information was sent by...the breeder of this dog). The whole discussion about "stealing" data is absurd. Adding data from public sources is not THEFT. Neither the moderator nor the contributors Wolfdog not need to ask anyone for permission to send such data (as long as it is not personal data, and the data about dogs is not personal). But because complains "Wolfdog is dead, it is not updated" changed to "Wolfdog updated data before I sent it" I would like to thank the large group of people who help to complete the data in the database. GOOD WORK. |
In the DNA section are dogs, which have a DNA profile. It is information for the owners of the descendants of these dogs, who would like to do a paternity test. In the database there are given laboratories where they can do this. In the new base will also the field where the results of the paternity tests will be showed. |
"A" s Divokou krví
Please have a problem, let I add information to my litter but we have previously recorded for individuals photos. Dog Arthas was there from the first report and it was recorded in the gallery and photos with caption Arthas. Suddenly, in this individual, but the name of Argos. And at Argos are photos of Arthas. And also was credited sick call name Mia, it belongs to bitch Artemis, not the dog Argos. The data are checked and everything was sent correctly This would correct the mistake? thank |
Thank you :) Can I also ask when you will publish a list of the codes given to dogs who have passed away? It is good that you are differentiating the causes of death, but at the moment a number means nothing. Thanks again |
the updates are not complete or nothing change on db (polish dogs). Its really sad. I offered my help with updates, but ... as always, life is life...
All information about polish wolfdogs were included in the new update. All sent information are there.
Not all is there... how many times should I send the copy of Interchampion and Champion Titles of other countries of my female K-LEE VORNJA z Peronówki? There is also a mistake in the name of her son from "T" Litter - there is Tranquila Brisa de Verano and should be: Tranquilo Brisa de Verano. Tranquila are girls and Tranquilo are males.
its not true. Not all, maybe few of them. I send you PW with updates, WD users send you email. Please, dont tell me lies. Błyskotka Bellatrix WzB still dont have photo, 1 wolfdog have a wrong owner, etc., etc. What do you mean by "all" ?? |
the most important is ... photo :) I always think this is data basa :)
I think the best be when this first photo in dog page can change a owner, when for people this is most important in world. I example need only data basa, nothing moore. |
I do appreciate your work as I got many emails from you but this topic seems to be making problems where there are none. By the way - the polish photos were added to the database as first. Other users are still waiting because the gallery is still on the work. They really can complain. Anyway as I wrote. If something is wrong it is enough to send me an email. All changes - except huge amount of changes sent by the Italian moderator - were done. |
you try to tell me that you've done "all". where i wrote nothing? |
So, for the next update, could you write here or on FaceBook when will be the next update? So we can complete the datas and send it again in one email. And when will be update of show titles and work titles? So we could send it all again if it's missing. |
Wow, I am impressed :)
Thank You Admin for photo of Błyskotka, whoever You are... :twisted: |
Is it possible to upload a main picture? And if so...how?
So sad that once such a great site with a lot of info of the breed, did develop to this site without any response of an admin :roll: :evil: |
Is there anything we can do to save the site - us as users and (hopefully still) fans?
If anyone has any suggestions or ideas on how we can assist, I am sure there are plenty of us happy to give our time and enthusiasm. |
I always thought that more admins would do the trick, I believe that wolfdog.org needs more people to update the info sent by breeders and owners. But since the admin is not responding it is impossible to name other admins :/
When Margo was still acting Admin and people were throwing stones at the site and calling her names I kept repeating that one day she'd give up her volountary work for the site and either it would be closed down, or things would be MUCH worse. Hardly anybody listened, 'wolfodg' was taken for granted, database was taken for granted, and now - here you are. :p
Everybody has a line beyond which he/she doesn't care any more. Some should have thought about it a bit earlier. :( |
I have the time and enthusiasm, and gladly offer it. :) That said, I don't have the faintest clue how one would go about fixing/accessing the database without (obviously) being an admin... I guess I am surprised that there is only one admin?? Am I understanding that correctly? For such a large database, with such widespread information in many different languages, it seems strange. Or are we talking about the admin of only one aspect of the website/database? Sorry for being out of the loop here... Also, I presume that the moderators of the various forums and the admin(s) of the website/database are seperate roles...? |
Database and stolen info
I just realized some info was taken from my personal facebook profile. Including photos and things I hadn't published in any other place (moreover, some was transported incorrectly). Sorry but... are you kidding me? This is ILLEGAL. This is the kind of info I would send anyway but that's not the point. The point is that you are officially stealing info with no authorization and breaking basic privacy laws. Who's doing this? Any explanation? |
Never ever put anything on internet you do not want to show up on the internet...
I understand your point, but the laws are from the past and if you take a look at them we all brake them... But if there is a photo you do not like to be there, PM the Admin... Very best regards / M |
If they react as fast as they do when you PM them for a pic to be uploaded, I`m sure it will take even longer for the picture to disappear.
I understand that it is much work for admins to run a site like this and it is great that it exists, but I have to say that the service is really really bad.... If it is too much for them they should probably give admin-rights to someone who is really active in the formus and who can take care of everything like uploading pics, deleting pics etc... |
False information in the database
The information of wolfdog is false. Wolf comes from the union of Doubayh de la Blackwolfdog and Atamasca Lobin of the Tower. They had two puppies, macho and female and they have his correspondent LOE, pedigree, as well as his two parents These "mistakes" happen very often and with many frequency the administrators hurry to putting " NON FCI " "?" "!" Etc. The rigor of wolfdog stops much that to wish, and very often information publishes apparently "partial" and that Gentlemen administrators do not answer to the reality, when an information is not known the normal thing is not to put it, but to put false information is to be deceptive. Bad reputation is taking wolfdog if it is decided to continue with this type of practices. |
* Updated * database
Good explanation!
Hi Admin. I send you for email, more time, official result DM and DWARF of Q-Aku Lupi del Montale and also one correct photo for insert in his home page. Wen you can please add this more information and picture. Also: please change my web site name and my email is not correct: [email protected] and www.runningwolf.it but is correct: [email protected] and www.rickyswolf.it Thanks so much Riccardo Lubrano Ricky's Wolf Kennel |
Dear admin,
I send all info in 2014 06 ( two times) and make special forward yesterday. Maybe now I give you all info about litters. me email [email protected] not exist, new is [email protected]. I send two litters advertisiment in data basa, if need new sending please informed about this. ( all parents are with FCI pedigree, pure, with healty test and breeding permision in ours country) thanks |
I have written several times to the admin:
1)the data of the litter Arimminum O and Arimminum P 2)dysplasia Arimminum Fywir HD-A,ED-0 Arimminum Jamila HD-A,ED-0 Gadar Amor Mio HD-B,ED-0 |
Dear admins Wolfdog How can a breeder complemented information when one half of the year did not update? Then the heavy collaboration, when you want any information from us, but you do not give anything in return. Half of you constantly (about 6x) send medical certificates and it is not completed. 2 months ago I sent all the info about C litter and nothing. Changing father at Ebi z Kopáčková dvora, where it is based DNA test.
so it's nice that you're watching advertising but for the satisfaction of participants, try updating;-) |
I have tried to update info of dogs in my ownership or my dogs offspring and no reaction (thanks for submiting - end of action)...
My dogs are purebreed with valid pedigree... What more shall I do to get my already born coming litter to coming litters??? :confused2 |
hello, I'm breeder's Doubayh. I see this post and, sorry, but, I don't understand ? what is the problem ?
For the "non FCI" , "REG", "?".... for me, it's normal that is in the database. There are some problem in the breed, database of wolfdog.org is very important for the news owners ...... |
I have written several times to the admin data litter born 27.03.2014 Arimminum Psyche,Primrose,Persyval,Payan Taro and litter born 27.02.2014 Arimminum Owen,O'Lady Vivaldi,Oasis,O'Hara,Ojubra,Odra,Obert.
I sent the results of dysplasias, dm ... but nothing. |
All of the info and updates on my dogs that I sent in the past months has not been updated as well. :(
Database has been updated. Still more than 500 datas are waiting to be added, so soon you can expect more changes. There is still also the problem of the determination of mixed dogs. This will be corrected during subsequent updates. http://www.wolfdog.org/dbase |
Please correct this. "lobo" is a son of Doubayh de la Blackwolfdog cie and of Atamasca Lobin de la Torre, Of this litter they were born one male, and one female on jun 2013
The admin is really an idiot . I sent the my old litter to admin for correct the wrong information. The admin instead of correcting my old litters, he put the new litters incomplete information chip and pedigree and name.:shock:
This site was a real database for our race
but since it is run by real incompetent has lost its value it is very sad :( example Crying Wolf Echo ,his descendants do not have "?" but my litter Arimminum Q with the mother Arimminum Obra (Eligo z Peronowki x Ambra Vlci nadeje)has ? maybe because Eligo is mix :) |
My old litters are with the wrong data but the new litters born two months ago,you have been put without data. |
I understand that you are a fairly well-known breeder, and well-regarded by many, but your snark is excessive and disrespectful. If you are so dissatisfied, why don't you create your own database?
Why admin steals data of my dogs? He can wait, I am sending them forever.
In Italy we have the correct database. |
No information about the mutts and mixes means that potential buyers may be misled - they can be buyers of non-recognized and sometimes even ILLEGAL animals. You can not consider as correct a database, which supports Italian breeders of mixes. |
"Dear Admin"
It seems you don't read mails.. how many times should I send the data??????????? Now I am not listed as breeder, because as you wrote "I didn't provide informations about litter", but I DID!!!! Why you add information about some puppies and some not? I see that name of one puppy is fixed from my last litter, but the rest is not added!!!!!???? WHY???!!! It's not funny anymore. Maybe you don't have time to check emails, because you are spying FB??? All my data is from FB, NONE FROM MAILS (I have sent it several times...) |
Hi Admin
My dog, Edha passo del lupo, on wd database is "?"....""ok"" Why her children no? For example sohn of Arimminum Nouau ( sohn of Eligo). Please, be consistent . might seem a database unserious |
I want to ask. Why is not picture in the profiles of some dogs, even if they have many pictures in their galleries? How can I change it? Or when the profil pictures are very outdated...
Thank you for answer. |
In any case, no fb spying or conspiracy theories or rudeness necessary. |
No, I mean a puppy name with mistake made only in my kennel group on FB. It was written RITA SALAMONTES VERDE, but it is now fixed RITA SALTAMONTES VERDE. So the admin is one of members my FB kennel group, there are not many people...
Information to be added to the database....
Or, somebody else took time to submit info, as people really do. Ps., I hope you had also reported kona as being alive too. |
So... again update and NONE of informations I have sent is in database, thanks ;)
Mine neither! But I personally don't mind.
i send info about all spain... any update, if admin need help i want help...
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