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leila 24-09-2012 11:44

hi, i have posted this also in slovak/czech forum, but no reply...

i was wondering, when will you do next upload of the database and if we realy should send you info, since im waiting for 9 months to upload my dog, we absolved dogshows and I can not display her in show results. some breeders upload theire results but you do not upload it... you just write - breeder didnt send info... so, why send info prompt?

what im wondering too is, that i didnt send you, that i want sell my dog, chasa, but she is in the list. please, i do not want her here in the "looking for home" section! also other dogs are there, that i know, they are not for sale anymore...

rodica 24-09-2012 19:42


Originally Posted by SARKA (Bericht 439353)
Some questions for admin
1 because my litters are not published?
2 because the results hd,ed,md,dwarf of my dogs are not published?
3 because they are not published the championships and working trials of my dogs?

Hi Sarka!in this moment I was not breeder!my kennel is not exist!I was just owner!!!I have send all the tests for my dogs,all the shows ,all the new owner from the puppy and nothing...:(

michaelundinaeichhorn 25-09-2012 09:54

All of this is the reason why we took consequences we don´t give any more informations to this site. You don´t know who gets them, you don´t know what it is used for, you have the risk that there are wrong ones that you can´t correct and I don´t believe all accusations made here with all consequences.


leila 25-09-2012 13:16

that is true, but most of the people still look here for informations... maybe it should be more visible that this is a private server and not all informations are correct and actual. still, this is a place for people to search for pupps too.
for me is it not so important, but if I send the info, the admin should upload it and not wait soo long.
there is no reason for sending infos anymore... i will not upload the infos too, because it makes no sence more.

SARKA 27-09-2012 16:26


Originally Posted by SARKA (Bericht 439353)
Some questions for admin
1 because my litters are not published?
2 because the results hd,ed,md,dwarf of my dogs are not published?
3 because they are not published the championships and working trials of my dogs?

I would like a reply from admin.

*Satu 28-09-2012 17:37

I can´t put any dogshow results because system asking all dogs names even all is full...

and Why do not you add Ikala spod Dumbiera DW free result and show results?

DM results about my dogs... all is tested in LABOKLIN and Results are real whit papers. if you can give right info can be better to take DM results away and put link to list what Mijke have done.

Sherdor 17-10-2012 23:12

Database targeted updates !
I would want to know why some photos from my dogs have been changed in the wolfdog database... and that photo has been took in my house (private photos) ... where i haven't send anything...

Don't answer... is always the same problem here ... but please also change some data for this SAME DOGs !

This dog is propriety of my kennel from june now, and nothing change in this part ... This dog female is GLASYA z Peronowski

... same thing for the daughter of this wonderful female ...
This female name is EXCALIBUR KHALI des Gardiens de la Cour

... and also to finish ... put change for CHUCK Running Wolf ... which one i am the owner also ...


Rona 18-10-2012 11:02

I wonder why you don't update your own kennel website... :lol: I was trying to find some of the info you've mentioned on the English version of your site and saw several "under construction" notices ;-)

Sherdor 18-10-2012 21:16

Go in french area ;-) MUCH MORE INTERESTING RONA if you need to know something !

I suppose you maybe could updated the database or in english, or in french, or in russian ... it is not my problem ...

I post in the english part because i suppose administrator are not french ... ok ... so i make my part of work to inform ...

RONA are you working in wolfdog database ??? ... or you are the one taking privated photos and forget to update database ...

Sherdor 18-10-2012 21:25


Originally Posted by Rona (Bericht 441074)
:lol: I was trying to find some of the info you've mentioned on the English version of your site and saw several "under construction" notices ;-)

And do you find any informations about ALL THE DOGS you could find in the "owned dog" from my database kennel information ????

No ... because 50 % of the date are false ... like one litter totally false and created by ??? maybe the ghost of the database !!!

RONA ... if you are something to do with administration, please answer something interesting ...

Rona 18-10-2012 21:42


Originally Posted by Sherdor (Bericht 441151)
RONA ... if you are something to do with administration, please answer something interesting ...

If I were WD Admin I'd probably press the button "close system" on the first day of holding the function :twisted:

But my comment had nothing to do with WD. I just wanted to find the missing info about your dogs at what seemed the best source and to my surprise found it most incomplete. Strange, isn't it? ;)


or you are the one taking privated photos and forget to update database ...
Belive me, I have much more interesting things to do!

Sherdor 19-10-2012 07:23

Oh yes ...

- you are not wd administrator,

- you don't know nothing (because you don't search where there are the informations),

- and finally you say nothing interesting about the subject ...


Originally Posted by Rona (Bericht 441154)
Belive me, I have much more interesting things to do!

Really ??? I am not sure for that ...

But if you think well, i trust you to find something REALLY important to do instead of looking for fight with me ...

Rona 19-10-2012 07:55


Originally Posted by Sherdor (Bericht 441168)
But if you think well, i trust you to find something REALLY important to do instead of looking for fight with me ...

:shock: Are you sane??? I only wanted to find out some info about your dogs of which I knew nothing. Major crime and I'm very sorry for that :oops: :lol:

I oficially declare that since now I'm not interested in your dogs and don't want to learn anything about them now or in the future. I've also fixed my profile and will not I see your posts any more. Now, happy? :lol:

Sherdor 19-10-2012 08:02


Originally Posted by Rona (Bericht 441171)
I oficially declare that since now I'm not interested in your dogs

and don't want to learn anything about them now or in the future.

I've also fixed my profile and will not I see your posts any more.

Now, happy? :lol:

I think you took the best decision FOR EVERYTHING ! Well done !

vila 19-10-2012 14:49

Owners of wolfdogs should be ashamed of yourselves, we should stick together. Every time I come here for some information or just to check out new topics I am disappointed to see arguing... always arguing. Some important topics and debates, but usually the most stupid arguments I have ever seen :( really sad

Rona 19-10-2012 15:31


Originally Posted by vila (Bericht 441223)
Owners of wolfdogs should be ashamed of yourselves, we should stick together. Every time I come here for some information or just to check out new topics I am disappointed to see arguing... always arguing. Some important topics and debates, but usually the most stupid arguments I have ever seen :( really sad

I'm sorry, but I only very politely, using a phrase: why don't you..., advised a breeder to display info about his dogs in a more efficient way. In return I was called a thief.:shock:

It's not my fault that some people want to fight all the time, even without a reason.:?

Sherdor 19-10-2012 21:44


Originally Posted by Rona (Bericht 441228)
I'm sorry, but I only very politely, using a phrase: why don't you..., advised a breeder to display info about his dogs in a more efficient way. In return I was called a thief.:shock:

It's not my fault that some people want to fight all the time, even without a reason.:?

Yes politely maybe, but your goal was different...

The problem i described is always the same, and many many many members complain about it.

The database is full of mistake because some members are disappointed and don't give any more information ... so some people which can change database make errors, and sometimes invent information, or finally choose to steal any information (false or not), like photos !

The better way should be to have a good behaviour to all members, forget maybe that some administrators or moderators are friend of some breeders and enemy from others ...

... that could be a way to refind a database with real and true informations.

If someone want any information about the dogs i talked about ... how it acts ?
Does he call the old owner of the dog because he has got a false information in the database ?

(it is only a small sample from the problem encountered)

amaguk 27-11-2012 15:10

once again..(private messages and mails had no success)

my female http://www.wolfdog.org/site/dbase/d/3529
is NOT dead.. fortunately she will celebrate her 12th birthday in two days ;-)

Jolly 27-11-2012 17:33

Hello, Admin.

Why i can't add more than 10 photos to albums ? :roll:

SARKA 28-11-2012 10:19


Originally Posted by amaguk (Bericht 444249)
once again..(private messages and mails had no success)

my female http://www.wolfdog.org/site/dbase/d/3529
is NOT dead.. fortunately she will celebrate her 12th birthday in two days ;-)

Wolfdog.org datas has been invented because it does not cooperate with any FCI organization.

Their behavior is illegal only has the purpose to damage the successful breeders. Without any proof and no DNA tests, they decide who is a pure czechoslovakian wolfdog and who does not.

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