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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
;-) ;-) ;-)
:) Smile Smile
:shock: Shocked Shocked
:| Neutral Neutral
:? Confused Confused
:lol: Laughing Laughing
:oops: Embarassed Embarassed
:( Sad Sad
:cry: Crying or Very Sad Crying or Very Sad
:p Razz Razz
:twisted: Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
:rock_3 Rock_3 Rock_3
:o Surprised Surprised
:evil: Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad
8) Cool Cool
:x Mad Mad
;) Wink Wink
:roll: Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
:zweifel Zweifel Zweifel
:nervous Nervous Nervous
:dontknow Don't know Don't know
:baddevil Baddevil Baddevil
:blowingup Blowingup Blowingup
:banghead Bang head Bang head
:flaming Flaming Flaming
:badbad Bad bad bad Bad bad bad
:love Love Love
:evil_2 Evil_2 Evil_2
:blah Blah Blah
:mad: Mad Mad
:cake Cake Cake
:bigcry2 Big cry Big cry
:wink: Wink1 Wink1
:candle Candle Candle
:boom2 Boom Boom
:misstrauen Misstrauen Misstrauen
:huh Huh Huh
:fingers1 Fingers Fingers
:biggrina Bbig Grin Bbig Grin
:cool: Cool Cool
:evil_lol Evil LOL Evil LOL
:saeek Saeek Saeek
:puppy_dog_eyes Puppy_dog_eyes Puppy_dog_eyes
:shake Shake Shake
:Help_2 Help_2 Help_2
:vampv Vampv Vampv
:cheesy: Cheesyy Cheesyy
:klatsch Klatsch Klatsch
:Eyecrazy Eyecrazy Eyecrazy
:tongue2 ongue 2 ongue 2
:daysmile Day smile Day smile
:shocked Shocked Shocked
:popcorn: Popcorn Popcorn
:thumbs Thumbs Thumbs
:nonono2 No no no No no no
:spiral Spiral Spiral
:eek6 Eek6 Eek6
:roflmao Roflmao Roflmao
:anger Angryy Angryy
:ghost_2 Ghost Ghost
:nice Nice Nice
:happy Happy Happy
:harhar Har har Har har
:stupid Stupid Stupid
:kaffee Coffee Coffee
:Rose Rose Rose
:wolfie Wolfie Wolfie
:bigok Big OK Big OK
:llying Llying Llying
:chainsaw2 Chainsaw Chainsaw
:motz Motz Motz
:blackey Blackey Blackey
:gulp Gulp Gulp
:eviltongue Evil tongue Evil tongue
:santagrin Santagrin Santagrin
:hand Hand Hand
:sleep Sleep Sleep
:mrgreen: Mrgreen Mrgreen
:smokin Smokin Smokin
:all_coholic All coholic All coholic
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
:beer Beer Beer
:laugh2_2 Laugh2_2 Laugh2_2
:let_it_all_out Let it all out Let it all out
:bomb Bomb Bomb
:mdrmed Mdrmed Mdrmed
:tard Tard Tard
:cunao Cunao Cunao
:shame hame hame
:ffod Food Food
:sadCyberM sadCyberM sadCyberM
:confused: Confused: Confused:
:ehmmm Ehmmm Ehmmm
:scream_3 Scream_3 Scream_3
:stupido Stupido Stupido
:help Help Help
:talker Talker Talker
:kiss_2 Kiss 2 Kiss 2
:new_evil New evil New evil
:ylsuper It rules! It rules!
:lookaround Look around Look around
:confused2 Confused2 Confused2
:grosscool Grosscool Grosscool
:nono No no No no
:D :D :D
:rofl3 ROFL ROFL
:chaos Chaos Chaos
:flop Flop Flop
:shock Shock Shock
:sooo_hapy Sooo_hapy Sooo_hapy
:stop Stop Stop
:agrr Angrrry Angrrry
:jumpie Jumpie Jumpie
:cool3 Cool3 Cool3
:wolf olf olf
:saint Saint Saint
:frown: Frown Frown
:bussi Bussi Bussi
:misstrauisch Misstrauisch Misstrauisch
:snipersmilie Snipersmilie Snipersmilie
:diablotin Diablo Tin Diablo Tin
:pissed Pissed Pissed
:smileyb Smileyb Smileyb
:evillaugh Evil laugh Evil laugh
:eek: Eeek Eeek
:ail Ohhhh Ohhhh
:shiny Shiny Shiny
:heul Uuuuu Uuuuu
:gunsfiring Gunsfiring Gunsfiring
:thinkerg Thinkerg Thinkerg
:beerchug2 Beer chug Beer chug
:krach Krach Krach
:gmorning Good morning Good morning
:madgo Madgo Madgo
:sleeping Sleeping Sleeping
:cooldevil Cool devil Cool devil
:peace Peace Peace
:errr Errrr Errrr
:drinka Drinka Drinka
:kill I will kill u I will kill u
:grins Grins Grins
:scream Scream Scream
:look2 Look2 Look2
:gent Gent Gent
:sweetCyberM sweetCyberM sweetCyberM
:rabit Rabit Rabit
:cussing Cussing Cussing
:bolt Bolt Bolt

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