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Conversation Between Sona_Bognarova and canislupus
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. canislupus
    11-12-2008 18:00
    Hello Sona,
    how are you? hope everything is fine in Down under! In germany is bad wheather and much work for the club....like in slovakia as well....
    I met Veronika in Oktober and November and I hope, you get my greetings.
    In germany there is a special woman from VDH responsible for our breed, and I give her you powerpoint docu about faults and standard - I hope, that is ok for you...because nothing arrived in Germany yet, or Mr. Stéfik did not yet send it to the judges...
    I have some more copies, am I allowed to give them to some german judges?
    best regards and see you in Oktober

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