Listing of stud males - Hungary

Alexi Wildchild Crazy Soul

General information
Name of the dog:Alexi Wildchild Crazy Soul
Date of birth:2014.11.04
Work & training:
Dog shows:3 x BOB, 3 x Best Junior, 1 x Derby Winner, 3 x Youth Winner, 1 x BOS, 1 x Best Male, 1 x CAC, 1 x CACIB
HD:A, (HU) ???
Dwarfism:?/N, unofficial
DM:N/DM, unofficial
Offsprings:1. generation: 26
1.-2. generation: 30
1.-3. generation: 37

Beny z Petrinho dvora

General information
Name of the dog:Beny z Petrinho dvora
Date of birth:2021.09.16
Work & training:
Dog shows:This dog does not have any show titles yet...
HD:A, unofficial - (HU) ???
ED:A (0-0), unofficial - (HU) ???
Dwarfism:N/N, unofficial - (HU) ???
DM:N/N, unofficial - (HU) ???
Offsprings:1. generation: 8
1.-2. generation: 8
1.-3. generation: 8